I am an automation engineer currently living in the Detroit, Michigan metro area. I have worked on controls projects mainly for companies like Toyota, AAG Glass, and Dana.

Though I am currently living in Detroit I was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. This has shaped many of my interests, especially sports. I am a big Pacers, Colts and USA soccer fan as well as a supporter of my alma mater Purdue in all sports.

In addition to playing sports and watching my sports teams, I enjoy doing anything that allows me to learn and experience new things. This includes learning new languages like Spanish, Portuguese, German, etc. Often complemented with language learning is culture, travel, and food and I love food. I enjoy cooking and of course eating what I cook. While making foods that I have never made before I will usually follow the recipe as much as possible to know exactly how it should taste but then will modify the recipe every new time I try it to make healthier versions.

I am building this web site to share some of my travel experiences, recipes I make, and really anything that interests me. Because of this you may find some of the most random articles that anyone can find on a website, from travels I took back in the day to maybe just venting about my favorite sports teams.

What I do

Sandboarding in Chile

About Me

Coming soon along with updated picture, title, and text…

In the Atacama Desert

About Me

Coming soon along with updated picture, title, and text…

Viña del Mar

About Me

Coming soon along with updated picture, title, and text…

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